Classic and Sports Car Magazine features Dashboard Restorer Simon Lorkin.
I’m happy to announce that I’ve been featured in a lovely press article. In the September 2017 edition of Classic and Sports car Magazine. For those who don’t know the magazine it is world leading car magazine and has a well deserved reputation as the most respected magazine about classic and prestige cars.
I’m thrilled that such a prestigious magazine considers that my work deserves a full page article. I’ve had local press articles and in 2009 had the chance to feature in a four page spread in the French classic car magazine ‘Gazoline’. It’s the first time for me that I’ve had an article in the Enlgish press in a magazine as well known as Classic and Sports Car.
If you’re looking on your mobile and the text is too small please click here to download a pdf version.
Classic and Sports Car article – Discover the work of Simon Lorkin – Classic Car Dashboard restorer of wood and painted wood effect on metal